Saturday, June 20, 2020

eReleases Review Best Press Release Submission Service

What have you done lately that you need people to know about? Did you finish a novel? Will you be appearing at a charity event? Or maybe you’re visiting the local high school to talk to kids about what it’s like to be a writer. You need a press release. There are a lot of PR companies available to help you both write and distribute a press release, but we’ve been asked nicely by a few of our readers to put together an eReleases review. You ask, we deliver. Let’s first look at the basics of press releases, and then we’ll give you a more detailed eReleases review (you can signup to eReleases here). Why you Need a Press Release Every day something goes viral. And if you have a Facebook or a Twitter account, you know that it’s usually something stupid. A mommy blogger makes expressive faces while she rants about her husband’s hygiene or a baby squirts toothpaste in his face. It can be discouraging to see so much drivel seeping through the pores of the internet, when you’ve got a quality product you’d like to introduce to the planet. There are over a billion websites now, and your author page is just one. Hundreds of clickbait articles are going viral, and you’re not. To make a long story short, you need a press release. A press release is simply information that you pass along to the media to let them know that you have a story for them. The media will then decide if they want to cover your news. How Does eReleases Help You? Press releases are difficult for some people to write. There’s a certain format you must use, and they’ve got to be somewhat formally written. Even the most talented writer can have trouble coming up with just the right words to say about himself. Even after you’ve written your press release, how do you know where to send it? If you’ve ever sent a query, you know the research that it involves. You won’t send your romance novel to a sci-fi publisher. Nor should you send your press release to a catch-all address (think eReleases offers two critical services to writers. The first is that they’ll actually write your press release for you. They’ve got a team of people who do just this for a living and have experience with all different kinds of news. We challenge you to attempt to write a press release announcing your new book. It’s extremely difficult, regardless of your experience. The second service they offer is distribution. But before we talk about distribution, we just want to point out that if you choose to write your own press release, the team at eReleases will look it over. eReleases reviews what you’ve written, and will provide suggestions or feedback if you request it. Free of charge! All of the employees over at eReleases are paid a salary. They don’t earn a commission on the press releases they â€Å"sell†. That means that if you send them a press release and they don’t think it’s newsworthy, they’ve got no problem telling you it’s crap. The website explains this best. eReleases cites two reasons why your press release might not work. First, you’ve got a great story but you hire a terrible distribution team. Or secondly, you’ve got a great distribution team but your story isn’t newsworthy. eReleases reps will be honest with you if they don’t think you’ve got anything to write about. So once you’ve determined that you’ve got a good story and the press release is just the way you want it, let eReleases review your options with you, and choose the right package. eReleases Distribution Packages We’re going to keep this as simple as possible. There are four distribution packages you can sign up for with eReleases, and you can find out specific details from the website. But in summary, here’s what they can offer to you. Newswire lite This basic package is $249, and includes 2 photos, PR Newswire distribution, and 400 words. This includes an eReleases review of your news, but theyll only send it to a target industry at their discretion. BuzzBuilder This package is $299. It includes all the above features, plus one guaranteed industry target. They’ll add SEO enhancements to your release, and guarantee that your press release will reach 75 media sites and subscribing journalists. Newsmaker For $399, they’ll add Associated Press outlets to the above packages. They’ll also increase your industry targets to 2, and your word count to 500. They’ll guarantee that your release will reach at least 100 media sites. PR Pro This is the largest package. It’s $499 and includes all of the above, but increases your target industries to 3. They’ll guarantee that you’ll reach 150 media sites, and you can include up to 600 words. This package also includes PRTrue Send. If your press release seems like it may be of interest to a publication in an industry you didn’t target, eReleases will send your release to that publication. Our eReleases Review We checked out a few things for this review.  We talked with a few customers about their experience and most were satisfied with the speed with which their press release was turned around. They were also impressed with the quality of the press release. Customer service was another big seller for eReleases. They offer both a phone number and a chat. Each of the representatives we talked to were knowledgeable about the products eReleases offers, and response time was extremely fast. We got answers within minutes. Here’s what we didn’t like. If you choose a package, and it doesn’t work for you, you can’t upgrade. For example, you choose Newswire Lite, which doesn’t include a target industry. You order a PR package, but then sleep on it and have a wild dream that maybe you’d like to target the architecture industry. Too late. You have to buy a whole new package. Now, we’ve mentioned that you and eReleases review your options together  prior to your purchase, but if there’s something you just don’t think of until later, you’re screwed. So be sure to review the options you’ve got carefully, and choose the right package. What stands out about eReleases is that they send your press release to actual individuals who have subscribed to the service. They wont send your release  to the catch all address, or the obituary editor. It’s going to go to an actual journalist with an actual interest in the subject. This feature left us with a feeling that our news wouldn’t disappear  in the billions of webpages. All in all, eReleases seems like a nice service for those of us who are confused about press release process. They’ve got a variety of products to suit all sorts of needs, and they’re affordable,  at a middle of the road price point. You’ll find cheaper PR services out there, but they won’t customize your distribution like eReleases will. Our suggestion to you, should you choose this company, is to have eReleases review your news story. Let them help you determine which package might work best for you, and take advantage of their honesty. You want to spend money on a useful package. As long as you buy a package that’s suitable for you, eReleases seems like a good bet for getting your story out.

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